Sandy Berger National Archives Theft. Republican scandal or serious classified documents theft? 

Berger Watch
Following the story of top secret documents stolen from the National Archives vault by former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger.

Update: Berger Pleads Guilty
A contrite former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger pleaded guilty yesterday to pilfering classified documents from the National Archives, saying he showed "very poor judgment" and that his actions were "wrong."

Letting Sandy Berger Off
New York Post - Commentary

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Former national security adviser Sandy Berger says he regrets the way he handled classified terrorism documents, calling the whole thing "an honest mistake."

Others say the matter raises questions about whether the former Clinton administration official sought to hide embarrassing materials.

What is the Berger Story?

9/11 Commission Report A Dud For Democrats. 
But It Buried Berger!

By Russell Betts July 23, 2004

The 9/11 final report was a dud for the Democrats. They knew what the report would say and that it would not be a slam on Bush. On the other hand, the Democrats knew the Berger document theft was a very big story with terrible implications for their side.

Leaking the Berger story just before the 9/11 commission report was not to diffuse the 9/11 commission findings. It is not the 9/11 report that was to be overshadowed. It was the Berger story that needed to be buried and it was the release of the 9/11 commission report that was to bury it.

'I inadvertently took a few documents'

Sandy Berger, former President Clinton's national security adviser, is under criminal investigation by the Justice Department after he removed highly classified documents from the National Archives vault.

AP Story that Broke Berger Story

Berger's home and office were searched earlier this year by FBI  agents armed with warrants after the former Clinton adviser voluntarily returned some sensitive documents to the National Archives and admitted he also removed handwritten notes he had made while reviewing the sensitive documents.

The Gauntlet Berger Ran at the National Archive Vault
What's it like inside? And how did former Natl. Security Adviser Sandy Berger breach extensive Archive security?

The News That' Fit to Print  
(Berger apparently isn't)
By John Leo
We are quite tired of charges that we don't pursue stories that might embarrass our political allies. They say we instantly dropped the story of Sandy Berger, the Clinton security adviser who walked out of the National Archives with top-secret documents stuffed into his socks. Or they say, Why don't you wake up a Cocoon reporter or two and have them try to figure out who forged the Dan Rather documents? Frankly, we are much too busy for this kind of stuff.

Kerry accused of using Berger docs to formulate national security positions  National security position papers removed from Kerry website on news of Berger theft of documents. Online news forum captured documents before they were deleted. See here

Berger distracted Archive staff saying 
he had to make a sensitive phone call
NY Daily News
Cell Phones with Cameras
by 'Sandy Berger'

Sandy Berger Two Times
Meet the other Sandy Berger
Bio Here
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