Car Search |
Oil changes: Some people will tell you to change the oil every 3,000 miles. But, every 5,000 miles is a lot easier to remember. It's time for a change! 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, 25,000. You get the idea. - Submitted by Ron Stephens, Pittsburgh, PA Stopping Body Rust Spots: New car or old, rust happens. Use this easy trick to keep the rust for getting any worse: After you wash your car, take an extra minute to spray a light coat of penetrating oil (likeWD40) on the rusty spots. You won't see the oil, but it will stop the rust. Pay particular attention to door jambs and exterior body moldings - Submitted by Sue Kamber, Eureka, CA. Recommended link: Car Care Council |
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